Skills Chart Procedures
The Skills
Chart 3: How to Rapidly Draft Procedures for Process Standardisation and Training
Career Management for Engineers
Skills Chart Procedures
The Skills Chart System is dependent on departmental
procedures. These capture standard working practices so all employees
understand the correct, most efficient way of working.
If your company has a
set of procedures in place, use these in conjunction with the skills chart.
However if you have not, this section will demonstrate how
to produce a set of departmental procedures without too much effort. Templates
are provided for your convenience. Many of the skills chart system advantages
listed earlier are directly attributed to the procedures referred to on the chart.
Key advantages are recapped below
- Increased
productivity through skills chart procedure standardisation and understanding.
- Increased
quality, together with a reduction in waste, production costs and
- Increased
profitability due to the above reasons.
- A higher
skilled, more flexible workforce.
- Greater
staff retention as employees recognise and appreciate the investment in
their futures.
- Quality
control documents for businesses considering ISO quality accreditation.
Step-by-Step Procedure Production
The following steps have been developed as a quick and
simple guide to assist you to produce procedures using the templates provided later
in this section. In order to assist you with this it is necessary to record the
flow of work through the department.
This is called a process map, as it
lists (or maps) all the individual steps of the overall flow of work (or
How to Draft Skills Chart Procedures...
Developing a Basic Process Map
- To
start, first you need to understand the flow of work through the
department. What enters the department in terms of information and
materials? Where does it come from? What leaves the department
(information and materials) and where does it go next?
- You
now have the beginning and end of the process. Following this, you must
understand the individual steps or tasks that make up the process as it
flows through the department. Think about these carefully. Just list the
important tasks at this stage.
- Jot
down your thoughts, listing the process in sequential order.
- To
clarify this, draw a flow diagram (typically referred to as a process
map). It only needs to be a rough sketch at this stage.
- A
basic process map template has been provided to assist you
You can access the Departmental
Process Map by sending an email entitled 'departmental process map' to and we'll send you your own copy, free.
- Simply
fill it in as instructed above. Break the complete process down into
easily identifiable tasks. Use more tasks than those provided, if
necessary; although do not break the process down into too many steps at
this stage, as the procedures you are about to develop relate to each
Process Map: Part of your Skills Chart Procedures
Drafting Skills Chart Procedures
Writing procedures is the next step. Procedures are step-by-step
instructions explaining how to undertake a particular task. The best method of
obtaining accurate instructions is to ask
the individuals who actually do the job most frequently. In order to
understand everything they say, take notes about the task at their actual work
location. This may be in front of equipment/machinery, at a bench, or at a desk
etc. Before drafting skills chart procedures, always agree a time with the individuals
concerned so they are not disturbed from their work and have ample time to thoroughly
explain what the task entails.
- Take a pen and pad (or lap top), together with
mobile phone capable of taking pictures or a digital camera, and go over
to see the individual who undertakes Task No.1 at their work location.
- Remind them what you will be doing and why you will
be doing it (use the procedure advantages listed earlier if necessary).
- Ask them to explain each stage of the task in
sequential order.
- Carefully take notes about each stage. Ask questions
about anything you do not understand. Importantly, ask why they do what they do at each
step and make sure you understand the purpose.
- Use your mobile phone or camera to take pictures of
items of interest, which illustrate the answers to your questions.
- Continue doing this until you have a detailed
sequential description of all the steps involved in undertaking Task No.1.
In short, you now possess a set of instructions (a procedure) to complete
that particular job. Additionally, you also possess images highlighting
key features of the process. Name this Procedure 01 (Code No PRO-0001).
You’ll probably also want to give it a descriptive title.
- Do this again for Task No.2 until you have listed Procedure
02 (PRO-0002)
- Undertake exactly the same process for each of the
individual tasks that make up the process. At the end of the exercise you
will possess a complete set of instructions (or procedures), together with
images describing how to undertake the entire departmental process,
- All you need to do now is present the information
as official procedure documents. Fortunately we have supplied templates
for this you can quickly and easily customise.
You can access the Skills Chart Procedure
Templates by sending an email entitled 'Procedure Templates' to and we'll send you your own copy, free.
Templates for Drafting Skills Chart Procedures
How to Draft Skills Chart Procedures...
However before moving on, here are some important points and
advice about the procedure templates and managing procedures in general.
Managing Skills Chart Procedure Templates
- The procedure must be given a code number to be
used on the skills chart.
- The procedure template currently features text
which requests you to replace it with information relevant to your
- Follow the numbering system used on the procedure.
- Each procedure features an objective (the procedure
purpose) followed by the procedure (the instruction notes you have made,
- Simply copy and paste the procedure template to
produce as many sheets as you require.
- Consider displaying
skills chart procedures on work area walls next to the skills chart. You can either
stick laminated sheets to the wall or obtain plastic wall mounted sleeves
from your stationary supplier.
- All procedure paperwork should be kept and
controlled by somebody in authority such as the team leader or manager
responsible for quality. They are also responsible for revising and
updating procedures. Store procedures in a secure location on your IT
network. Whilst it is useful many staff can access procedures, ensure
there is control over any modifications or updates. Version control all
- The actual typing of procedures may be undertaken
by administrative staff, as long as it is checking and approval is carried
out by a senior technical person, as mentioned above. Insist on a
signature and date on documents to ensure this takes place.
Rolling the Procedure
System out to the Whole Business
The procedure system is modular in its design. As such, it
can be developed for all departments across the business and rolled out as a
company-wide set of procedures. The same principles apply as those covered
earlier. It follows that skills charts can also be developed for all employees
across the business. The following diagram demonstrates how all procedures can
be linked into a set of comprehensive instructions for all company processes.
In this way the skills chart and procedure advantages can benefit the entire
Skills Chart Procedures
The Skills Chart 4: Gaining the Benefits - Aligning skills,
Process and Training Logs
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