Expert Manufacturing Advice tailored for step-by-step implementation in the workplace. Small Manufacturers, Machine Shops and CAD Engineers improve and thrive with our hands-on help. Top Training Aids Modernising Your Manufacturing through CADCAM, CIM, Robotics and Digital Manufacturing
'Hands-on Help for SMEs' and Smart Technical People'
Top Training Aids
These slide shows have been included to bring you the latest factual info in a convenient, slick format. Bring yourself up to speed on modern manufacturing trends or topics. Alternatively, use them as training aids to update and inform others in your small manufacturing business or engineering team.
If you are introducing improvements or about to launch a change programme, why not get the facts and theory that underpin practical application? Any implementation of good ideas is assisted by case studies such as these, which demonstrate how others have benefited. Why not tweak their ideas to apply to your unique situation?
Have a look around and consider if there is potential to benefit your business...
Advice Manufacturing
With the number of networked sensors growing dramatically across production, supply chains and products, manufacturers are beginning to tap into a new generation of systems that enables real-time, autonomic interactions among machines, systems, assets and things. This so-called "Internet of Things" is enabling a level of orchestrated manufacturing never before seen, helping companies design more innovative products, improve operations and predictive maintenance, and compete more effectively for aftermarket services.
Join CSC experts as they discuss the Internet of Things and the future of manufacturing in the age of Industry 4.0. Find out what all manufacturers need to know about key technologies including machine-to-machine (M2M), data analytics, cloud, mobility and augmented reality. (Courtesy of CSC)